2016 Park City Market Report

By Deb Hartley
Feb 02, 2017


This comprehensive year end market report provides an overview of Summit and Wasatch County real estate. We strongly believe our clients should have access to information that facilitates thoughtful real estate decisions. All statistics are based upon Park City Board of Realtors MLS data for the period of 1/1/16 to 12/31/16. The Park City market remains highly segmented. Our town, its neighborhoods, and outlying areas differ significantly in terms of price, home type, features, and amenities. For example, while Deer Valley and Prospector areas share the same zip code, average home prices in these two neighborhoods are very different. Our predictions: We expect additional new developments to come to market in 2017 in the Jordanelle, Heber, and Canyons areas. Inventory will remain low in many areas, especially in Park City proper residential neighborhoods. Finally, while mortgage rates will continue to rise mildly, we do not see this trend influencing buyer demand significantly. Data interpretation, judgment, and historical context are key elements to making informed decisions. Reach-out for more information.

By Deb Hartley
Jan 07, 2017

Prospector is one of Park City’s most affordable in-town locations for a single family home or an affordable condominium.  This Market Report Table represents what is currently available on the market and what has sold in the past 6 months.  Notice there precious little on the market in the single family home category.  This is rather indicative of the season and check back in a few months when there should be more homes on the market as the weather changes and more homes should become available in the Prospector area.  Give a call if you would like the local skinny on the entire single family home market in and around Park City.

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Dr. Yun's Economic and Housing Market Outlook Overview

By Deb Hartley
Feb 23, 2012

Lawrence Yun is Chief Economist and Senior Vice President of Research for the National Association of REALTORS® Research department.  He presented his Economic and Housing Market Outlook  at the monthly Park City Board of Realtors Board Luncheon on Thursday, February 16.

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